Did you know that “stuff” donations to Goodwill are tax deductible? When you donate your stuff, a donor representative can give you a receipt for tax purposes. Be sure to hang on to that receipt for tax time. If you need a blank donation tax receipt click here.
Federal law permits Goodwill donors to claim tax deductions for many financial contributions, and for donated clothing and household goods in good used condition or better. To help guide you, we have compiled a suggested list with price ranges for items commonly sold in Goodwill stores. View list of suggested price ranges for items commonly sold in Goodwill stores
If you’re unsure whether your item qualifies for a tax deduction, then consider this: If you would give it to a relative or friend, then the item is most likely in good condition and is appropriate to donate.
Assume the items are in good condition and remember, prices are only estimated values.
At Goodwill, we want people to give as much thought to where they donate their items as they would to where they donate their money. Donors should give to charities they trust and that will make the most of their donations. More than 90% of our revenues are channeled into job training, placement programs and other critical community services that benefit thousands of people each year.
Now Offering Online Tax-Exempt Forms
Make your donations or purchases tax-exempt with ease! Filling out this form ensures you save time and streamline the process for your tax-exempt status. Don’t miss out on this convenient option.
Get started today! Click below to access the form: