Tag: father

Father’s Day Finds

Father’s Day is just around the corner. Have you thought about what to get dear old Dad? Perhaps he likes vintage video games? You could check out this Atari game system and games! http://www.shopgoodwill.com/viewItem.asp?ItemID=6313301 Hurry, the bidding ends on Tuesday, June 15.

I was passed down my love of collecting from my father. I’ve found the perfect gift for his antique farming collection on shopgoodwill.com. A butter churn! Of course if you decided that your father would like to have it in his collection, I’d completely understand… Let the best bidder win! http://www.shopgoodwill.com/viewItem.asp?ItemID=6310551 Bidding on this item ends on Monday, June 14!

If these items aren’t just right, surf around shopgoodwill.com and see what you can find. The possibilities are endless! From vintage golf clubs, to books and cds, to sports memorabilia, you’ll find the perfect gift for your pops in time for Father’s Day on Sunday, June 20. 

Happy hunting!

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