Spring is in the air and along with that means that it’s also Prom season. This is everyone’s big chance to make that one lasting memory of his or her high school. It is a extraordinary time with friends or that special someone. Prom is a memory that can last a lifetime.
But there is so much to do to get ready for it. My advice is to start thinking ahead as early as possible. Make a checklist and cross off the things as they get accomplished. These can include getting tickets, limo service, dress or tux, and hair appointments among other things. Never fear, however, because there are people here to help you.
The Patriot news posted a blog yesterday about how to help get ready for Prom and some advice. Check it out here. http://blog.pennlive.com/life/2010/04/post_5.html
Here at Goodwill we want to also help you out. In the next few days and weeks we will post all kinds of tips and ideas to help you out. You can also find all kinds of dresses and accessories at affordable prices for Prom at your local Goodwill. Check back for all that info to come soon.
Make your Prom a memory that will last a lifetime!