As part of their learning and preparation for entering the workforce, Project SEARCH® interns in Cumberland and Dauphin Counties visited the Goodwill® store in Lemoyne to choose clothing they can use as they interview and look for jobs.
After some guidance and advice on selecting interview-appropriate apparel from Kirsten, GKA’s Fashion Blogger, the interns did some shopping and were able to choose a few items each to add to their professional wardrobes. Their “new” clothes and the skills they are picking up through Project SEARCH will help give them the confidence they need as they go forth seeking competitive employment in the community.
Project SEARCH is a program run by Goodwill Keystone Area that helps students and young adults with disabilities transition to work, with the goal of competitive employment in an integrated setting for every participant. Goodwill Keystone Area operates five Project SEARCH programs in Allentown, Harrisburg, Carlisle, and Reading.