Lose 15 in 2013
Let’s face it, most of us feel like we need to lose 15 pounds. Eating better is part of the equation, but exercise is another. To exercise, you need workout gear.
Workout Clothes for Less

Can you ever have enough workout clothes? We don’t workout in our work clothes. We don’t workout in the clothes we go to the mall in. We workout in what I like to call “grungies.” We sweat in them over and over until they are too grungy to even go to the gym in. Then we buy brand new workout clothes and start all over.
Sweat It Up at Thrift Store Prices at Goodwill
Why pay premium prices for workout clothes at a sports store? Why shell out hard-earned cash at a high-end retail store gear when you’re just going to get them really sweaty? Goodwill always has a huge variety of quality tee-shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants and running clothes. Brand names too. I’ve even found the original tags on some of the clothes. They may have been gifted, but never worn.
Enjoy the Fruits of Your Workout
The money you save on workout clothes can be used to buy fruits and veggies! When you get smaller and your clothes get bigger, look on the Goodwill clothes racks for an outfit that is a size smaller. When you decide never to go back to those ‘mom’ jeans, consider donating unneeded clothes to Goodwill!
Things to Do to Beat the Winter Doldrums
Get outside during the winter. Just being outside makes you feel healthier.
No matter the temperature, go for a walk, run or play a sport.
Download a workout app if you own a smartphone and keep track of the calories you burn.
A mile walked at a decent pace takes about 15 minutes and burns off about 100 calories.